Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There's Been A Death At The Opposite's House

Thts the first poem i learn in my FORM 4 English subject.

I sign up for tusyen class at Perfection Training Centre.
I've been studying there since I was in Standart Six!
Bak pepatah staff die 'SIGN UP PERFECTION!!' LOL :D
Ada gak la membe disana. I've got Syafiq! Tp die cam xde mood je arini.
Maybe ada problem with his girlfriend. Dtg2 muka Tension je.
And semakin kurus ooh die! Sumpah keding gila! hahaha :P
Okay la, study kat sana 1 subject je arini. ENGLISH!
Masuk class je , Teacher da ckp 'KHAIRUL!!'

Cikgu ; Awk dpt bape 'a' weyh?
Mirin ; a je cikgu.
Cikgu ; Ooh hows ur english?
Mirin ; I got 'a' teacher. Bila mau blanje makan?
Cikgu ; Ok thts wat i wanna hear. Ape, mkn?
Mirin ; Yew la, kan u da janji tahun lepas?
Cikgu ; Ooh yaa! Blanje mamak is enough.
Mirin ; Hahaha okay cikgu. (KEDEKUT GILA!)

So, aku pon cari la tempat duduk sebelah Syafiq. And the lesson Begin..
It was okay, i fhm la. Tp Syafiq cam blurr gila.

Mirin ; Wey, kau asl?
Syafiq ; Xde mood ah Meer..
Mirin ; Gado ngn awek kau ke?
Syafiq ; Hmm,lebey kurang laa. Blah blah blah (Minta maaf, Sya x dgr ape die mumbling)

Perangainya begitu smpai balik. Balik td, Syah amek aq kat Perfection.
Wahhh bes gila. xyah blek rumah lagi. Ley Lepak! haha :P

Thts all I nk citer. Bnda2 mengarut je. Xpayah bace blog ni. Buang mase jee. lol :P
Hahaha. Toodles!!

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